Exhumation services

Exhumation Services with Lee Funeral Home

Serving you with dignity

The removal of human remains from their resting place and further transfer or burial in a new or alternative grave is what consist of exhumation.

Whatever the reason for the exhumation, the process can be a very lengthy process, however, we can offer our advice and expertise in matters relating to the event.

We have experience dealing with the complex and time-consuming process of arranging and carrying out exhumations, re-burials, cremations, and repatriation of human remains from cemeteries, churchyards and alternative burial sites.

Our Exhumation Service includes the following:

  • The professional services of our company, including the provision of the necessary facilities, transportation, equipment and staff in the arrangement and undertaking of the exhumation service
  • Attendance to all administrative and legal obligations regarding the proposed exhumation, including obtaining all relevant permits and licenses
  • Handling of all arrangements and communications with the relevant Government bodies, diocesan authorities and cemetery officials
  • Provision of a coffin that is suitable for the transportation of the exhumed remains and subsequent re-burial or cremation

Disbursements may include the following:

  • Cemetery fees and charges relating to the exhumation
  • Fees for Exhumation License and Bishop’s Faculty
  • Removal of memorials on all relevant graves
  • Fees and charges for subsequent re-burial, cremation or repatriation



(+254) 0722-514-584

(+254) 0722-401-861


Map Location

Argwings Kodhek Road, next to Nairobi Hospital.


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